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Case Studies

Kerala Tourism Development Corporation (KTDC)

KTDC – the official host to gods own country! The largest hotel chain in kerala is designed to give you a feel of the exquisite cultures and traditions this land is well known for. KTDC presents exotic ways to experience kerala, the kerala way…


Our client needed a system that could provide them accuracy and standardization in their operations. Their night audit fee was running high due to the slowness of the audit process. Preparing presentations, reports and studies was turning out to be tedious without efficient software. Manipualtion of stock and billings were also increasing due to the decentralized units.What the client needed was a system that would speed up their operations along with accuracy. Software that would provide better control on stock and billing. A hotel management system that would help them carry out their work effectively and efficiently.


Hotsoft gave KTDC the advantages of accuracy and standardization in all billing points, which they had asked for. We helped them cut down the cost of night audit fee through our speedy night audit process. The automated SMS and intra-mail unit manager have helped our client take quick decisions on time and have helped them become independent on preparing analysis reports. Our mature process in applications has also helped them prepare statutory reports on time. More control on food cost and damaged item along wit the elimination of manipulation of stock and billing has been achieved. Above all, KTDC has now an increased goodwill owing to their transparency in business.